The Ministry of Tourism Processed Three More Lists of Humanitarian Programmes for Ukraine, under Which a Total of BGN 15.1 Million Is to Be Disbursed.
The Ministry of Tourism has processed three lists for payment under the two humanitarian programmes to assist displaced persons from Ukraine — a first payment for the months of November and December under the second programme and a supplementary payment for the period of the first programme. The payment is to be confirmed by a decision of the Council of Ministers.
The first of the three payments covers the sixth reporting period and the period from 01 November 2022 to 15 November 2022, for which the provision of assistance in the amount of BGN 2.8 million including VAT for accommodation and food or accommodation only under the Programme for Humanitarian Aid to Displaced Persons from Ukraine with Temporary Protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (List No 14) has been verified.
The second payment is for the seventh reporting period and covers the period from 16 November 2022 to 31 December 2022. During the period, aid in the amount of BGN 6.4 million including VAT for accommodation and food or accommodation only under the Programme for Humanitarian Aid to Displaced Persons from Ukraine with Temporary Protection in Bulgaria (List N 15) has been verified.
With the third processed list, the additional payment under the first programme for the period since the beginning of hostilities in Ukraine, when the aid was in the amount of 40 BGN per person — from 24 February 2022 to 31 May 2022, is to be made. The provision of aid in the total amount of BGN 5.9 million for accommodation with food under the Programme for the use of humanitarian aid for persons seeking temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (List No 13) has been verified.
The Ministry of Tourism reminds all applicants for the second Humanitarian Programme for the period from 16 November 2022 to the end of 2022 that, in connection with the administration of the list for the disbursement of funds to applicants and the changed requirements, it is necessary to complete and submit a declaration of compliance under paragraph 11.2 of the Programme between 30 January 2023 and 06 February 2023.
The Declaration of Compliance shall be submitted via the Secure Electronic Delivery System (SEDS) to: Https:// When completing it, applicants should follow the instructions in the SEDS carefully, paying particular attention to the following: before completing and submitting the declaration itself, they must download, complete and attach the table with the data of the persons.
The declaration shall be signed with a qualified electronic signature by the legal representative of the applicant.