National Tourist Council (NTC)

The National Tourist Council (NTC) is a governmental consultative body under the authority of the Minister of Economy and Energy. It aims to assist in the implementation of the national tourism policy.

The members of the National Tourist Council are representatives of the tourism-related ministries and institutions, national, regional, local and branch tourist associations, associations of air, land and water carriers, nationally represented associations of the consumers in the Republic of Bulgaria. The consultative tasks and activities of the NTC are as follows:

  • to approve the national funding support for tourism marketing including the annual program for national tourist advertisement;
  • coordinating the implementation of the national tourist advertisement;
  • analysis of the implemented promotional activities and appraisement of the efficacy of tourist seasons;
  • making recommendations on designed concepts and programmes for tourism development, as well as proposing measures for improving the control in tourism sector with respect to raising the overall quality of the whole range of tourist services in Bulgaria;
  • giving opinion on draft regulations with regard to provision of tourist activities;
  • discussing the issues related to tourist infrastructure, foreign investments in tourism, fulfillment of charter programmes, consumer protection.
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Ministry of Economy and Energy
8, Slavyanska Str., Sofia 1052, Bulgaria
BULSTAT: BG130169256
phone: +359 2 940 7001

fax: +359 2 987 2190
Contacts: 8, Slavyanska Str. Sofia 1000, Bulgaria tel: +359 2 940 7001 e-mail: